Wednesday, January 23, 2008

10 Things I Love About Heath Ledger

1. His Aussie accent and identity
2. The fact that at one point he dated Heather Graham and therefore together their couple name was still Heather.
3. The way he can look positively disheveled and still be really sexy.
4. How he can pull off long, short and buzzed hair--that takes talent.
5. His role in The Patriot...good film.
6. For taking on a role in The Brothers Grimm even though it was an awful movie.
7. His take on The Joker for the next Batman installment...seems positively eerie.
8. The fact that his daughter's name is Matilda, because it's a pretty awesome name.
9. His understated yet powerful acting in Brokeback Mountain
10. The adorable way he sang and made a fool out of himself in 10 Things I Hate About You.

You will be missed berry berry much.

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