Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ledger and LOST

Yesterday I went to the fan memorial outside of Heath Ledger's apartment in SoHo. I was surprised at how many people were there taking photographs. There were a couple of barricades but otherwise it was a pretty open space with lots of flowers, candles, and posters that all reflected fan dedication to the star.

It's always surreal when a young celebrity dies. It makes transparent the fact that stars are not invincible and don't reside on this elevated plane of being from "normal" people. So a lot of the entertainment news media is discussing at length how Ledger could have died and interestingly, why Ledger died. One of the theories is that he was so consumed with his upcoming role as The Joker in the second Christopher Nolan Batman installment, The Dark Knight, that it lead him to become really depressed because the character was such a tortured soul. I don't know if I buy the whole 'method acting gone awry' narrative. Sure he was probably consumed in his role but I think there have to be other risk factors involved for a role to completely alter your personality outside of filming.

In other news, the 4th season of LOST begin this Thursday, yippee! Because of the Writer's Strike there are only 8 episodes that have been filmed, which kinda foils the whole plan of ending the show at the 6th season with 16 episode installments each. The fourth season is apparently focused on the history of the island. There will also be flash forwards in addition to flashbacks, tricky tricky. I'm always ready for a mystery, television's pretty boring right now.

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