Monday, January 21, 2008

So the journal didn't work out...

...and this is my blog. When I was a wee girl I had this grand illusion that I would be like Harriet the Spy (without the creepy tomato sandwiches she would always have for lunch) and have all of my most secret musings documented to be included in my memoirs to be published when I am an irrelevant old lady.

Fast forward like, 20 half-finished romanticized journals and diaries later over the course of 15 years, and I'm here. On the internet. I could get into a really long discussion about rhetoric and Plato's fear of the written word right now. But I won't. Instead I will say that the whole blog thing is really where it's at right about now in terms of accessing information and I'm a sucker for useful trends.

To that end, this little blog o' mine will be an exploration into all things Brandy. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and be better from the experience (shameless Family Guy reference. There will be many).

I am but a mere blip in the blogosphere. But I kinda like my blip and I hope you will too :)

BTW, I hate giving things titles. I start to twitch because I can't possibly describe a piece of work in a single frickin' phrase, unless I have like, many colons. So this is aptly titled, "Because I Said So!" because...I said so. It really is that simple. And plus if you know me well, can't you just visualize me yelling this at you? Yep? Thought so.

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